
Running Record Book Reports

Decent Essays

The student participating in the running record is a third grade male. He has an IEP for OHI, for a hearing impairment. He is pulled out of his regular education classroom for a half hour literacy block three days a week as well as meeting with the SLP twice a week. The running record took place in the special education resource room. There was two other children in the room, also working on literacy. However, the student and I were working one on one at a separate table. He was reading his book while I followed along with a copy. The book he read to me was a book he was very familiar with.
His teacher does many running records throughout the year to track progress. He does one at the start of a new level in the LLI books, as well as one at the end of each level. This helps him to keep track of where a student started and how successful they have become throughout the semester/year. This also helps him to determine when to move onto the next level of books. The student had already read this book several times and his teacher was going to be moving him on from …show more content…

I asked three questions explicit questions as well as one inferred question. The three explicit questions were: What color shoes did Kim want to get?
What color did she actually get?
How did Kim and Lizzy end up with the “best shoes?”
The inferred question was, how do you think mom was feeling as she “tapped her foot” in the shoe store?
I observed fluent reading, he read accurately with some self-correction, at a steady speed. He also added intonations appropriately. Overall he read very smoothly. Some of the words were not always articulated correctly, but I did not count these as errors, as this is a reflection of his speech impediment and not his reading ability. He also had a good understanding of what he read. His comprehension of what happened in the story and what was being inferred was on

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