
Ruby Bridges Story Essay

Decent Essays

The movie is titled as, The Ruby Bridges Story and it was released, January 11, 1998. The film is a true story of Ruby Bridges (Chaz Monet), An African American student who changes black history. In 1960, at the age of 6, from her outstanding achievement on the school boarder exam she was admitted amongst the other school exam boarders, to be placed into William Frantz Elementary school. Which is considered as a non-black school in New Orleans, LA. Bridges appearance on the school’s campus in the mid scene of the movie, caused an uproar division between her and other white prejudices that imputed racial marks to Ruby. The ruckus behavior caused white parents to remove their children from the school because her skin color assumes …show more content…

The first scene, plays when Ruby and her Mother Lucielle are escorted by united states Marshal deputy Al Buffer who told Ruby before escorting her, to stay in between the united states marshals not look back at the crowd. When they were escorted, the racist mob held signs of degrading blacks, while saying “Two, Four, Six, Eight! We Don 't Wanna Integrate!" And as well, a white mother who threatened to hang and poison Ruby. This creates the statement of whites disagreeing with the united stated president upon the integration among black and white juveniles. The assumption is made that blacks should not experience sharing the same rights as whites. Both Ruby and her Mother appearance is symbolized as not welcoming to the school. When they arrive close to the steps they are stopped by an officer who said that, "The great government of Louisiana said that you cannot enter." The deputy shows the officer a letter informing that permission was given. Once they enter into the school, the teacher’s reactions towards seeing Ruby and her Mother, grew impulsively. Teachers didn’t expect to see two colored Negros in a white school. Some students stood out of the classroom to see what was happening, but they were escorted back in to proceed their lesson. This stereotype setting shows that as blacks they were not welcomed by the

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