
Royal Portal Vs Annunciation

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The Royal (west) Portal and the Annunciation and Visitation are both French art pieces that integrate Gothic styles, the Royal Portal being early Gothic while the Annunciation and Visitation illustrates high Gothic art. Pointing out the obvious, they both have four figures on them. The Annunciation and Visitation coincides more with Roman portraits due to how realistic the piece looks and the way it mimics a much more relaxed posture. The body language is more apparent as there are more contrapposto arrangements incorporated. The head tilt, the bent position of the knees, the swaying of the hips, and arm position adds to the rhythm of the piece. If we look at Saint Elizabeth, her right knee is bent so we can see how the fabric moves with the curve of her body. The Royal Portal jambs doesn’t quite reflect characteristics of Roman art because we can see …show more content…

The figures of the Royal Portal look like columns, much like the ones that they are each connected to, showing how the architecture and the figures depends on one another whereas Annunciation and Visitation are clearly independent so they are freestanding when we look at them. Unlike Annunciation and Visitation where each of the religious figures are interacting with each other in order to tell the narrative, each of the individual figures of the Royal Portal look isolated to the figures beside them. The Royal Portal has more emphasis on the lines of the drapes where as on the Annunciation and Visitation, the Annunciation is less contoured than Visitation. And even though Virgin Mary is on both the left and the right, the lines on the robe of right side Mary are clearly more defined than the left side to emphasize body language. But also, there is a difference between Angel Gabriel and Virgin Mary when we focus on Annunciation. Angel Gabriel has more definition than Virgin Mary as there is a more ‘S’ shaped figure with Gabriel as he bends his right

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