
Royal Ideology in Ancient Israel

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Royal Ideology in Ancient Israel One of the main themes present in the rise of monarchy in Ancient Israel has to be the concept of royal ideology. Royal Ideology is the practice of believing that the king is considered to be at the same level of power as Yahweh, and vice versa. Throughout our studies of Ancient Israel there are many pieces of evidence to support this idea, and it had a great influence on the monarchal structure that developed throughout the time. Dealing with this subject matter, focusing on Wisdom is undoubtedly one of the prime methods of being able to interpret these Old Testament texts. One of the clearest themes to emerge when dealing with royal ideology in Ancient Israel is the acknowledgment of the king as …show more content…

At home, the king mediated blessing and guaranteed justice. These attributes of kingship were extensive indeed. They were finally limited, as all else in Israel's life, only by the prime ingredient of Yahwism in all periods and expressions: no other gods beside Yahweh. There are many different themes common on the subject of Kingship in Israel that are highlighted throughout scholarly analysis of the subject. Sages of the time, thought to have written Proverbs, believed that the king was a person way beyond the normal run of things. This piece from “Proverbs 30:29-31” is a prime example: “Three things have an excellent bearing, and four move with dignity: A mighty lion among the beasts, and he will not turn back from before anything a greyhound or a he-goat; and a king, his people a band of soldiers.” In the sage’s judgment, lion, greyhound, he-goat, and king, all four were considered to be extraordinary, and the king, the goal of this number saying, was the most excellent of all. Yet, however amazing or even imponderable he might be for the sages, they were still able to affirm certain themes which were held in common with other bodies of Israelite literature. Another expression/theme of Royal Ideology is the expectation that the King would guarantee

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