
Rough Draft On Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking – rough draft
How would you feel if you were bought, sold and used around the world? Child/ human trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes and violations in the world. It is estimated that thirty thousand victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse, disease, torture, and neglect. Eighty percent of those sold into slavery are under twenty four, and some are as young as six years old. There have been twenty point nine million human trafficking victims worldwide as of twenty thirteen. Females and children have a greater risk for sexual exploitation. There are several physical and mental consequences for trafficking victims.
Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery. Those who recruit minors into commercial sexual …show more content…

Most of these victims are forced into the commercial sex trade. About three hundred thousand children in the United States are at risk every year for sexual exploitation. Globally there are four point five million people trapped in forced sexual exploitation.
Females and children have a greater risk for sexual exploitation. Approximately eighty percent of human trafficking victims are women and girls up to fifty percent are minors. Although the average age of entry for children victimized by sex trade is twelve years old. It is estimated that seventy six percent of transactions for sex with underage girls start on the internet. Over seventy one percent of trafficked children show suicidal tendencies. Two million children are subjected to prostitution in the global sex trade.
There are several physical and mental consequences for trafficking victims. Some of those consequences are sleeping and eating disorders, fear and anxiety, depression and mood changes, guilt and shame, and posttraumatic stress

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