A Child’s Battle with Rotavirus: 1999 Drawback through 2006 Draw Out
According to the research of the American Academy of Pediatrics in their official Pediatric journal, one term defines a whole field of the relationship exchange between the child and his or her pediatrician. A “medical home” was once used to conclude all the medical information about a patient, but nowadays can be delineated a“ partnership approach with families to provide primary health care that is assessable, family centered, coordinated, comprehensive, continuous, compassionate, and culturally effective period” (Sia, et al.). With increasing healthcare cost, technology, survivorship, foundations, and specializations, this causes an abundant amount of attention focused
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RotaShield[™], despite being highly effective, was withdrawn from the market less than one year from its inauguration. By reason of associations with intussusception it had done more harm than good. Intussusception is a downbeat misfortune that consist of part of the intestines sliding into a neighboring part of the intestine. (Rotavirus vaccines/Vaccins antirotavirus." Weekly Epidemiological Record) August 31, 1998, in Wyeth Laboratories located in Pennsylvania, was the date the introduction of Rotashield by the FDA came to be recognized. Until shortly a month after the anniversary passed fifteen cases of infants were reported to the VAERS of developing the illness. “Eight infants required surgical reduction, and one required resection of 18 cm of the distal ileum and proximal colon”(Delage, “Rotavirus vaccine withdrawal in the United States; The role of postmarketing surveillance, The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases). October 1999 conducted more cases on the rise and delivered the news of the postponement of the vaccine. At this time, “Fifty-two patients required surgery, nine required bowel resection, and one patient died”(Delage. A major setback for the aid came with the delay period tallying eight years until any real progress emerged. February 2006, a rivalling company, MERCK, set the playing field introducing RotaTeq[™}. The human reassortant vaccine consists of a triple dose taken orally at two, four, and 6 months. Subsequent doses are required at intervals of four to ten weeks. With the risk being greater for intussusception these vaccines are not intended for catch-up purposes. 2007 was the kickoff of further countries participating with their vaccines, unavailable in the United States and neighboring districts. Vietnam distributed Rotavin-M1, manufactured by the center of research and production of vaccines.
Prior to the 1980s, children were prepared for surgeries and other medical procedures by their doctors and nurses. Beginning in the early 1990s, Child Life Specialty took over the role of preparing children and families for procedures. Child life specialists work in medical settings serving as emotional support and helping to develop family coping strategies (Nabors, Bartz, Kichler, Sievers, Elkins, & Pangallo 2013). Most child life programs exist in hospitals, however, there are many other environments where specialists work, ranging from dentist offices, schools, and even funeral homes (Fitzpatrick 2016). Their job varies among different settings but typically they are there to prepare children for procedures and explain the overall medical
To begin, the success with Arlene’s family doctor is built on a therapeutic relationship and rapport. By having this therapeutic relationship allows for effective communication to improve the quality of care of the individual (Stickley & Freshwater, 2006). By developing a therapeutic relationship with your physician an individual is trusting that they get the best possible care by them seeing the whole picture at the micro-level. Having effective communication results in a positive outcome for the patient (Travaline et al., 2005). In Arlene’s case a therapeutic relationship was fostered by the 4 phases developing a therapeutic relationship; pre-interaction, orientation, working and termination (Day & Levett-Jones, 2010). Being Arlene’s family
Researchers interviewed 1,699 adults that included primary caretakers for 811 children. And they investigated five factors: health conditions, health behaviors and attitudes, health care access, quality of life, and social or environmental factors. The communities were largely minority. One of the discoveries was that:
PFCC provides a theoretical viewpoint that can be useful, especially in the case of pediatric patients. “PFCC seeks to improve the health and well-being of pediatric patients and their families through a respectful patient/family-professional partnership. It honors the strengths, cultures, traditions, and expertise that all members of this partnership bring to the relationship” (Dudley, Ackerman, Brown, and Snow, 2015, p. e256).
From a pediatric perspective, the family is an integral part of the healthcare team. Parents are the primary ally and resource in providing individualized care for their child. Even in adult patients, who they are is impacted by the relationships that they have. Serious or chronic illnesses and injuries affect the entire family. The family, then, becomes the patient, particularly when it is necessary to make lifestyle changes.
In the article, "Vaccines Prevent Infectious Diseases" by Roman Espejo from Opposing Viewpoints in Context, some background is given about vaccines. First, the article talks about some history of some diseases. "Similarly, diseases like whooping cough (pertussis), measles, mumps, and German measles (rubella) may be unfamiliar to you. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, these illnesses struck hundreds of thousands of people in the United States each year, mostly children, and tens of thousands of people died" (Espejo). This is true and is eye opening to some. Next, how a vaccine works is described. "Traditional vaccines contain either parts of microbes or whole microbes that have been killed or weakened so that they don't cause disease. When
-A succinct philosophy of family nursing is seen in The Association for the Care of Children’s Health standards stating the expectation for healthcare providers to facilitate family/professional collaboration at all levels of care, and to recognizing family as the constant in the patient’s life whereas the healthcare providers will fluctuate (p.40, 2003).
with pus. On day twelve the blisters start to get hard and crust over and stomach pain starts and confusion starts to occur. On the third or forth week the blisters start to fall of and leave big nasty scars all over. If not treated the long term affects of the virus include blindness and deformed hands and feet. It kills 3 out of every 10 people it infects. After you get vaccinated on the third or forth day after vaccination a red itchy bump will start to appear it is called the vaccination cite. The bump becomes a blister and will then begin to fill with pus then will later drain. A health care worker should check to see
The article in the textbook concerning child vaccinations touches on the importance of vaccines and some of the reasons why children aren’t vaccinated. Vaccinations are very important to prevent diseases; the injection is a small dose of inactive virus to allow the body to guard itself against the disease. Some common beliefs are that children who are vaccinated are at risk of chronic illnesses which the textbook reveals that these illnesses have no correlation to the vaccinations. Another reason why children aren’t vaccinated is due to income, poverty levels affect the children who are not vaccinated because the families cannot afford them.
“Improved communication is noted as one of the most important factors in enhancing end-of-life care in a pediatric setting” (Hsiao et al., 2007). These factors are beneficial to maintaining the best care for the child. The relationship between hospital staff, the child, and the child’s family is crucial. “Parents have emphasized the importance of receiving honest and complete information from staff, having ready access to staff, and having continuous, caring relationships with compassionate staff “(Hsiao et al., 2007). Along with the parents’ communication with staff, parents feel it is important to have the child communicate directly with the physician when appropriate. They feel “gaining the child’s perspective is critical if there is to be a cohesive relationship among the child, parent, and health care provider” (Hsiao et al., 2007). Also, children who are able and comfortable enough to communicate with physicians benefit
Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR), Inactivated Poliovirus, and Rotavirus are just a few examples of vaccines recommended for children by the Center for Disease Control. These vaccines are recommended for children in order to prevent the contraction and spread of diseases that have been controlled in recent years, eradicated from our country, or that we are hoping to prevent from being introduced. According to an article published by TIME Magazine, 1 in 10 parents choose to “opt out” of vaccinating their children according to the recommended CDC schedule. (TIME, 2011). While parents are responsible for choosing medical treatment and prevention methods for their child, many are forgetting that their choices affect not only their family unit, but the entire community they are surrounded by.
Despite the fact, that some people believe that vaccination is bad, majority of the population still getting vaccinated yearly. One of the diseases children might experience is rotavirus which is major cause of severe acute gastroenteritis or AGE. Previously it infected nearly every child in United States by age of 5 years old until “routine rotavirus vaccination on United States infants began in 2006” (245). There were two studies conducted that proved that vaccination protects children from certain diseases. (name of the study) provided many rated based on their study and it showed that “rotavirus vaccination had dramatically decreased rates of hospitalization for rotavirus infection among children in United States countries” (245). The study demonstrated a burden of severe
This journal article reports about rotavirus vaccination in terms of kinds of it and its performances. There are many types of childhood disease. One of them is rotavirus. The reason why children suffer from this disease rather than adults is that they have weaker immune systems. Rotavirus is transmitted through various ways such as unclean hands or impure water. Before rotavirus vaccination, many infants used to die from this. However, this is one of the most common causes of preventable childhood disease these days so it is important to know this vaccine.
Beginning in the the early 1960’s, millions of American tax dollars each year have been allocated towards program and funds to provide the nation's citizens with easy access to proper vaccinations. One of the first large scale vaccine programs implemented in this country was the “317” program in 1962. 32 years latter, in 1994, Vaccines for Children (VFC) made acquiring vaccination even more accessible and easier. The government, spends this money, not for their own benefit, but rather, to improve the lives of each individual American. Some years spending all this money does not seem quite worth it such as in 2011 when the nation experienced the largest measles outbreak in decades. The amount of American’s who could have received the appropriate
Every day, thousands of people benefit from vaccinations, pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, transplants and other medical devices. All of this would not have been possible without the help of biomedical research. Biomedical research is defined by the Foundation for Biomedical Research as the pursuit of answers to medical questions. This research leads to the development of new vaccines, cures, and other devices or pharmaceuticals that can benefit both humans and animals (fbresearch). There are many products that have been developed through the use of biomedical research and the numbers will continue to grow. One important development being the rabies vaccine that brought tremendous benefits and lifesaving aid to both humans and animals.