
Roseanne : A Positive Role Model

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Roseanne Connor, A Positive Role Model for Someone in Their 30’s

Roseanne Connor is a positive role model for someone in the thirties from the sitcom, “Roseanne”. She is a loud mouthed, outspoken, overweight, and unapologetically working class who made no attempt to be the perfect mom. Even though she did her best. She was raised by an abusive father and a mother who just stood by while this happen. She raises her family with truth and humor. She doesn’t hold back when most people would and she fights every day to put food on the table and make sure the bills are paid. She is from a working-class family that works hard for everything they had and they do not have much. This makes her one of the most realistic sitcom moms. Roseanne is the …show more content…

Her husband truly loves her no matter what and she still gets up and goes to work every day. Being overweight doesn’t have to stop you from doing anything. In one episode, she even gets boudoir pictures to give to Dan as a present and he loved them. While being overweight, she was having back problems and she had to get a breast reduction. She was nervous about it and thought Dan would hate it and he proved to her that he loved her no matter what.
Roseanne even places homosexuality in her show where she was kissed by a lesbian in a club who was her friend’s girlfriend. This wasn’t on TV much because it was very controversial in the 90’s when the showed air. She showed us it was alright and that it was ok to not know much about it, but that it was also that there is nothing wrong with being gay. She had to tell her kids about it and teach them the best she could to accept people for what is on the inside not who they love or don’t love.
Even though she was raised in an abusive household, she promised to never hit her kids. Until one day her son DJ stole her car and crashed it. This scared her so much she lost control and spanked DJ. She felt so bad for doing this she shut down for a bit, but then she had a talk with DJ and told him how sorry she was and how this happened to her but he still never should have done it. This shows us that mistakes happen and you must try to stay in

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