
Rose Of Sharon

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The Grapes of Wrath was an amazing book. For myself, the book was simple to understand and relate as many of the dilemmas that the Joad family had gone before, many people still experience today. Similar to Rose of Sharon, numberless women have problems carrying and giving birth to their children today. Although we don’t have as many migrant workers as in the Joads time, we are still rather nasty to each other. In this day of age, many people leave their significant other when they find out that they are pregnant, like Connie left Rose of Sharon. Countless women have a difficult time throughout pregnancy, a few even lose their child to a miscarriage or a stillborn, such as Rose of Sharon did. Sadly, my great-grandmother had a few miscarriages, as so have several other women. After talking to my grandmother, I have come to the conclusion that although they didn’t have the chance to watch their child experience life, they still love their child the same. Sadly, people still treat each other rather nastily and are quite rude to each other; even if we aren’t migrant workers like the Joads. People still call each other nasty names and do rather rude actions. They might think that they are being civil but in reality, they are being downright rude and nasty. When I read that …show more content…

Single parents are more common than a couple who has children together; my co-worker is a single parent with two kids and she’s twenty-one. It’s not just men, leaving the women, like in my co-worker’s and Connie and Rose of Sharon’s cases. Additionally, women also leave men. In the past, there were a couple that were expecting and the mother would have rather not have the child, but the father urged the mother that they have the child. After she had the child, she gave her daughter to her ex-boyfriend and left both the child and the

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