
Ronald Reagan And The Struggle For Black Dignity

Good Essays

Introduction Stephen Vaughn, author of “Ronald Reagan and the Struggle for Black Dignity in Cinema, 1937-1953,” wrote an informative article about Ronald Reagan as an actor during an important period in time. In this article, written for The Journal of African American History, Vaughn gives a detailed illustration of Ronald Reagan’s involvement in overcoming racial discrimination in the film industry. The author starts with giving background information on the state of racial issues in America in the 1940s. Continuing into the article, Vaughn mentions all of Reagan’s evolvement with organizations against racial discrimination, particularly in the film industry. Throughout the article, it is clear that Vaughn believes that Reagan was very respectable and greatly contrasted mainstream Hollywood due to his upbringing. According to the author, despite Reagan’s good intentions, his effectiveness in executing his intentions in relation to racial discrimination is questionable due to Reagan’s obvious priority of anticommunism over anti-racial discrimination.
Race Relations in the 1940s According to the author, in 1946, Neo-fascism and racial violence was on the rise.Due to this, investigations of the Ku Klux Klan began to intensify. Ronald Reagan, a well respected actor, began putting his effort into fixing the problem of segregation and racial discrimination. September 1946, a radio show began airing a show entitled “It’s Happening Here.” This radio showed featured Reagan and

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