
Ronald Cross Research Paper

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Main people One of the main people that sticks around till now is Ronald Cross, better known as Lasagna. He was known for his support at the Oka Crisis, he was one of the warriors masked during the confrontation. At the end of the crisis, he was also arrested along with others. During the arrest he was beaten by officers. Lasagna went to trial afterwards for forty charges including assault which landed him in prison for up to ten years.(cross, pg.217) Many people saw him as a criminal, however they do not understand that he was in a way an activist standing up for his rights and his people. He was seen in the media on daily basis and left a heroic view in some peoples mind while others still think he is a villain. His spirit was one thing that kept many people in that time from giving up. If he …show more content…

Since a lot of people looked up to him, a lot of the police targeted him. In a way they wanted revenge for what he was doing, the reason being why he may have got beat so much. That led him to bringing charges against the police, which landed him the win. “...trying to price that everything the media had been saying about him had been right” (cross, pg15) “...he had projected an image of being such a violent man.”(cross, pg.15) What was the outcome(resolution) Then end of the protest came in August at the Mercier Bridge blockade. However the mohawk people felt very betrayed because the Mercier Bridge was one of the only things they had to bargain for their land and as soon as everything was up and running the government stop any further negotiations. After the day in september when the mohawk people were hosed down with water; the mohawk people set all their guns and weapons on fire during a ceremonial burning of tobacco and returning to the reserve, when they were arrested. The Oka Crisis end up lasting for seventy eight days with gunfire

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