
Romeo And Juliet Star Crossed Lovers Quotes

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“Do people fall in love?” -Patricia Highsmith. Romeo and Juliet was the beginning of the tragedy of themselves as star-crossed lovers. The purpose of this essay overall is to show how I agree with Shakespeare that Romeo and Juliet were star-crossed lovers whose fate did not end good. What are star-crossed lovers? According to Webster Dictionary star-crossed lovers is a pair of lovers that are not lucky and have bad luck. Star-crossed lovers refers to any lovers whose affection for each other is doomed to end in tragedy. Lovers whose relationship is foredoomed is said to be frustrated by the stars (Webster Dictionary.) Those who believe in astrology claim that the stars control human destiny. Anybody who is considered to be in a “star-crossed” …show more content…

“The only man I love is the son of the only man I hate! I saw him...and I found out who he was too late! Love is a monster for making me fall in love with my worst enemy” (Act 1, Scene 5, 136-140.) This quote shows that their love was doomed from the start because Romeo was a montague. Their love was already ill-fated, because of their last names and how they came from two different families whom were enemies. “Come, bitter poison, come, unsavory guide! You desperate pilot, let’s crash this sea-weary ship into rocks! Here’s to my love!” (Act 5, Scene 3, 115-117) This shows how Romeo took away his life, because he thought Juliet died when she was still alive. Romeo had already sealed his fate when he took his own life away. “Oh noise? Then I’ll be quick. Oh good, a knife! My body will be your sheath. Rust inside my body and let me die” (Act 5, Scene 3, 168-170.) Juliet woke from the sleeping potion and discovered Romeo was dead so she killed herself. They both died an unfortunate, sad …show more content…

“Winning won't work out in my case because..she came here with me.” Peeta stated. (The Hunger Games) Peeta and Katniss were doomed from the beginning because they were both partaking in the games. Juliet and Romeo could not be together because of their families. Both couples were cursed from the start. “Without the Gamemakers’ faces. They’d have failed the Capitol. Might possibly even be executed,slowly, and painfully while the cameras broadcast it to every screen in the country,” (The Hunger Games.) Katniss and Peeta were both willing to commit suicide instead of killing one another. The Games wanted the star-crossed lovers to be the last ones, so they could watch one of them sacrifice their life for the other. In Romeo and Juliet they both took their lives so they could be together. “What have they done to you?” Katniss asked Peeta (Mockingjay Part One.) Peeta was hijacked, tortured, and brainwashed by the Capitol until he thought Katniss was his #1 enemy. He wanted to hurt Katniss really bad. She never gave up on Peeta and she did not think Peeta was horrible. When the nurse told Juliet about Romeo killing Tybalt who was Juliet’s cousin she was devastated. The nurse was badmouthing Romeo, but Juliet responded and defended her husband. Despite Romeo becoming a murderer Juliet’s opinion never changed about

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