In the original play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare in 1587, throughout the years there have been movies made trying to convey the message that Shakespeare had wanted. The movies that will be examined in order to compare the differences on whether they are similar to the original are Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 version William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet and Carlo Carlei’s 2013 version, Romeo & Juliet. The movies are another version of the original play in terms of setting, tone and characters that were used in conveying the story of Romeo and Juliet. It is clearly seen that Baz Luhrmann's 1996 version is more similar to the original play as it brings out the tone and conveys the message better than the Carlo Carlei’s 2013 …show more content…
Unlike Baz Luhrmann's movie, Carlo Carlei conveyed the tones of romance, passion and violence differently. Carlei changes the start of the original plot to a jousting tournament, in the end, Benvolio wins the golden ring for the Montagues. This then makes the Capulets to be quite annoyed and jealous as they start a fight with the Montagues. They then get caught by the Prince as he declares that they have started three civil brawls around fair Verona and whoever starts another between the families will be killed. The statement that the Prince made was not shown, as only one brawl was shown in the Carlo Carlei’s version.
The setting of the Baz Luhrmann movie was fair Verona, although it had more of a modern day twist to it. This is evident when the cars, petrol stations, helicopters and televisions were visible throughout the movie, which does not convey the similar setting with the original play. It can also be conspicuous during the violence in the Baz Luhrmann movie when the characters shot each other with guns instead of using swords. The original play was set in the classical times that did not contain modern objects like those in the Baz Luhrmann movie. Instead of the Carlo Carlei movie sets the scene with a more olden way of presenting Verona, which resembles the original more than the Baz Luhrmann version. The Carlo Carlei version resembled more similar settings to the original play as it is shown by the costumes, swords that were used when fighting and the
The props in the two films of Romeo and Juliet are extremely different which make them a good point of comparison. Luhrmann’s version of Romeo and Juliet is a more modern take on the play. I think this because they use guns, cars, television and newspapers. By using guns, it brings a more dramatic and forceful feel to the movie. It makes every death
was the first film of Romeo and Juliet. It was produced in 1968 and it
This director’s choice shows that both directors cherished and respected Shakespeare's written text. In Zeffirelli’s film, the dialogue fits in with the other aspects of the film, such as the costumes and set. since everything is traditional, but what is interesting is that the actors manage to sound very natural and comfortable with the dialogue. They managed to convey strong emotion with help of the text and entirely transformed into the characters. Since, Zefferelli's version both includes the traditional sets, costumes, and language it makes it easy for the audience to understand the original play, the film is straightforward and does not contradict the original play, making the film a credible resort for those who want to have a better understanding of the story. Unlike Zeffirelli’s version, Luhrmann’s costumes and set do not suit the dialogue, making the Shakespearean dialogue in his version both strange to watch and hear, another odd aspect is that at times the characters did not precisely mean what they were saying, for instance, when a character was talking about their sword, they were actually talking about their guns named sword, consequently, this made the dialogue confusing to follow at times. Nevertheless, the actors in both films managed to execute an admirable performance and did Shakespeare's text
In order to compare and contrast the play to the movie,first I will discuss the play .In the play there is a character named Romeo.Lovely Romeo wanted to marry Juliet and stay with her in Verona,Italy.But
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has been modified numerous times and has been a source of inspiration for many playwrights and directors. Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann are examples of directors that use Shakespeare’s legendary tragedy as a basis for their films.
Luhrmann’s variation of the film is more suited to a teenage audience than Zeffirelli’s due to the vibrant settings and modern sets utilised throughout the film. Several of these sets include the beach, high rise buildings and petrol stations. These factors are used to tempt a younger audience. Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet, however takes place in a medieval Italian city. Although the original play was based and performed in this location, teenage viewers cannot relate to the surroundings, hence making it difficult to understand or appreciate the plot.
Now how about some similarities. My first similarity is in both versions how the people carried around weapons. In the old one the people of Verona carried swords. In the modern version of the play the people of Verona carried handguns. Two different weapons, but they were used in the same fashion in both versions of the play. Another likeness is Paris didn’t bite the dust in any of the versions. He is only in a few scenes. He’s not even in the last scene where he was supposed to meet his maker. While on the subject of death, Lady Montague does not die in either version. She is seen exiting the final scene in both versions. She doesn’t even have a big role in the story. My next similarity is the
The modernised setting of a petrol station, sees a fresh take on the weapons used in the play, as the characters “draw” guns rather than swords, Additionally, the guns are branded with the word “sword”, showing the appropriation of Shakespeare’s classic narrative to the modern audience. A close up, slow motion shot boosts the theme of violence, identifying Luhrmann’s effectiveness of his film appropriation. Furthermore, the original dialogue is kept noting its relevance to the new setting in act 3 scene 1. Evidently, Luhrmann has successfully kept with Shakespeare’s original text and the notion of violence, yet by drawing on modern characterisation and the day to day settings he is able to effectively create a modern appropriation of the play.
The time period of the play and the time period of the movie are very different. In the movie, the prologue was on a T.V. screen and it was not in the play. Also in the movie, they used cars instead of horses to get around. In the movie, Romeo and his friends always smoked and would take drugs and they did not do that in the play. In the play, the different families owned castles and in the movie they own different businesses and buildings. They also had guns instead of swords in the movie. Also in the movie, they dressed more modern than they would have in the play.
Baz Lurhmann’s creation of the film Romeo and Juliet has shown that today’s audience can still understand and appreciate William Shakespeare. Typically, when a modern audience think of Shakespeare, they immediately think it will be boring, yet Lurhmann successfully rejuvenates Romeo and Juliet. In his film production he uses a number of different cinematic techniques, costumes and a formidably enjoyable soundtrack; yet changes not one word from Shakespeare’s original play, thus making it appeal to a modern audience.
Baz Luhrmann's 1996 film, Romeo + Juliet effectively appropriates the Shakespearean 16th century love tragedy. So why has Luhrmann decided to appropriate Romeo and Juliet? By changing the context, Luhrmann effectively makes the play relevant, discussing his contextual concerns of the 1990’s. This is done through the use of themes in the film, love, family disputes and hate which have remained similar to the original play, although the way they have been presented are different, in particular the form and characters. The form has had an obvious change as the original play has been adapted into a film. Characters in the film have also been appropriated to correspond with Luhrmann's contextual concerns. Hence, Luhrmann successfully appropriates the original Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet by maintaining similar themes, but altering the form and characterisation to fit his contextual concerns.
While in Zeffirelli’s version the setting plays little to no role in the story, it is used as a tool for the characters as well as to convey emotion in in Luhrmann’s version. For example Tybalt falls on and shatters a sheet of glass while fighting Mercutio, and uses a shard of this glass to stab Mercutio under Romeo’s arm. Also while Romeo is fighting Tybalt it is raining to convey a sense of grimness in the scene. As well as the better use of setting the actors also give a better portrayal of their characters in Luhrmann’s version, for example after Tybalt kills Mercutio, Leonardo DiCaprio, who plays Romeo, is crying and yelling, cursing Tybalt, while in the Zeffirelli version the actor playing Romeo seems as if the barely cares that Mercutio is dead.
Romeo and Juliet is a very well known book that is loved by many. There numerous movies done on Romeo and Juliet like Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 version and Gnomeo and Juliet. There are many apparent differences like using guns instead of swords and using gnomes instead of people. Although there are many similarities, the differences between Luhrmann’s movie and Gnomeo and Juliet compared to the play Romeo and Juliet are evident. The similarities between the movie and the play only go down to the plot and language.
Of all the treasures in the world, true love is of the most valued. They say that when you are truly in love, the universe around you simply stops, and no one else matters except you and your love. Love has the mesmerizing beauty of a stunning red rose, but it also has spiteful thorns surrounding it. But between friends and family, love can quickly go from black and white to shades of grey and can become fatal and suspenseful.
In Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet, is a traditional adaptation of Shakespeare’s original Romeo and Juliet, with some variations. Baz Luhrmann directed the 1996 version, also known as the MTV Romeo † Juliet. This version is very modernized, but keeps the language intact with few changes.