
Romeo And Juliet Mercutio Foil

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In the play Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio serves as a foil to Romeo. When discussing love, we can see how Mercutio's lighthearted and silly comments emphasize Romeo's melancholy personality and serious opinions on love. Romeo tells Mercutio he “[has] a soul of lead [that] stakes [him] to the ground [so he] cannot move”. Clearly, Romeo is being a bit dramatic when describing how sad he feels, such as when he says “Under love's heavy burden do I sink”. Mercutio’s response is almost like a joke, as he tells Romeo to “borrow Cupid's wings, and soar with them above a common bound”, basically telling Romeo to find love elsewhere and be happy. He also says “if love be rough with you, be rough with love”. This response is very silly, and it seems like

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