
Romeo And Juliet Free Will Quotes Analysis

Decent Essays

Rosa Parks overcame adversity in society to become an activist in the civil rights movement. In the famous play Romeo & Juliet, by Shakespeare, two teenagers from rival houses, Capulet and Montague, meet at a masquerade, fall in love, get married, and meet a tragic end. The theme of Romeo & Juliet is free will is fundamentally more in control of determining our destiny than fate is.
In Act I, Scene iv, Romeo was complaining to Mercutio about how “[Romeo] dreamt a dream tonight” and it gave him a bad feeling about going to the Capulet’s masquerade (I, iv, 50). Mercutio replied with “True, I talk of dreams; which are the children of idle brains” (I, iv, 98). Mercutio is telling Romeo to do something rather than be depressed about Rosaline rejecting him. Mercutio is telling Romeo to find someone new and forget about Rosaline. Romeo should go to the party and find someone to help him forget about Rosaline.
In Act II, Scene iii. Friar John told Romeo and Juliet “in one respect I’ll thy assistant be; for this alliance May so happy prove to turn your households’ rancor to pure love” (II, ii, 90). Friar John hastily agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet when he was asked by them. Friar demonstrated free will by agreeing to marry Romeo and Juliet …show more content…

Balthasar rushed to Mantua to enlighten Romeo of his lover’s death. Romeo decided he must join Juliet in the afterlife so he sought out an apothecary. He sought out a poor apothecary “in tatt’red weeds, with overwhelming brows, culling of simples” to purchase a dram of poison from (V, i, 39). Romeo sought out that apothecary because he was poor and he was easier to convince than a wealthy apothecary would be. Romeo demonstrated free will because he had to think about which apothecary that would be the easiest to purchase poison from. Romeo had to think about what he was to say to the apothecary, search for the apothecary, and convince him to break the law for

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