
Romeo And Juliet Fate Vs Free Will

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Fate is defined as, “The development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power.” (Oxford University Press: 2018). In Romeo and Juliet, the question of how much free the young lovers have versus the predetermination of the stars plan, and which results in their deaths, is the crux of the play. Shakespeare was not the first to question the notion of Fate versus Free Will but the universal themes in his works, the most notable being this, continues to underpin our society to this day. The question itself dates back millennia. Shakespeare would have had to take in to account the common belief regarding fate that existed at the time. During the 12th century, following the example of countries in Europe, …show more content…

But he that hath the steerage of my course Direct my suit. On, lusty gentleman. (Shakespeare, 2008, 1.4: 104-111) This verse is Shakespeare speaking through Romeo to show the audience that even so early in the play, the meeting of the lovers is written in the stars and will lead to Romeos death. Romeos choice to go is already decided by fate. Another example is Romeos decision to find Juliet, despite knowing she is a Capulet. While this may feel as though this choice is his will, the deaths may only occur if they meet, reminding us that this too is preordained in order to bring about the ending fate desires. Their meeting and consequently falling in love effects the events of the rest of the play. When they get married they are faced with another fate determined choice. Knowing that the families could never accept the marriage and would force them apart, which in turn war would only escalade the war, fate speaks through Friar Lawrence to give reason to this decision, “To turn your households’ rancour to pure love.” (Shakespeare, 2008, 2.2: 92). "Is it even so? then I defy you,

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