
Romeo And Juliet Fate Vs Free Will Essay

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The play Romeo and Juliet has many themes throughout it. One being, fate versus free will. From the beginning, we knew Romeo and Juliet were star-crossed lovers but doomed. In Act 1, Scene 2, Lord Capulet’s servant is looking for someone that can read the guest list. That is when Romeo and Benvolio showed up and Lord Capulet’s servant meets them and asks if they can read. Romeo was able to read the guest list and the servant then invited Romeo to the Capulet’s house. This accidently meeting and invite to the Capulets house, signifies the importance of fate throughout the play. Although, it could have been from Romeo’s free will. But Romeo had a feeling that night that something that was destined to happen, would happen that night. Only fate would allow Romeo to know this before hand and allow Romeo and Juliet to meet. Later, Romeo says, “O, I am a fortune’s fool!” He said this after he killed Tybalt. Was it fate that killed Tybalt? Or was it …show more content…

Love was present throughout the play from the beginning to the end there was love. Love was shown by the nurse who simply took care of Juliet and was there for her. There was love presented by Paris for Juliet and wanting her hand in marriage. Lord and Lady Capulet may not have seemed like they showed their love but they did. They wanted what was best for Juliet and in their mind, they thought what was best for Juliet was taking Paris’s hand in marriage. But the most important love, was the love between Romeo and Juliet. Because of how much love they had for each other, we are able to celebrate the love of them. We value that the deaths of Romeo and Juliet were both tragic. However, they brought new life to Werona and soon there was no more fighting between the Capulets and Montagues because of the love Romeo and Juliet had for each other. To me, Shakespeare is teaching us that nothing is purely good or evil, everything contains a little of

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