
Roman Western Empire Research Paper

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Despite 500 years of complete domination over the Mediterranean and much of Europe, the Roman Western Empire quickly collapsed in the 5th century C.E.

Research Question:
Why did the Roman Western Empire collapse?

Likely, the most convincing explanation is that the fall of the Roman Western Empire, was largely determined by the Empire’s economic instability after repeated invasions by Barbarian tribes.

Two Areas of Arguments:
First, the Empire’s economy was weakened as the government was overexpanding and overspending, which also led to the rise of the Eastern Empire.
Second and more importantly, the Barbarian invasions, which constantly put the Romans under attack, caused much trouble and devastation to …show more content…

Evidence Items:
There was a lot of overspending, to cover the costs of the army, weapons and defence.
The constant civil wars, rebellions, and attacks had required the constant increase of taxation on the people of Rome, which made the citizens poorer. In addition, many rich citizens fled to avoid tax collectors which in turn further weakened the economy by drawing wealth outside the empire.
The Western Roman Empire was so big (from the Atlantic Ocean to Middle East) that it was really hard to govern it and communicate throughout. With the lack of communication, orders were not able to reach the people/troops quite as quickly as hoped, which made it much harder for Rome to defend itself.
The constant civil wars, rebellions, and attacks, all required much military spending by the government, also links to the barbarian invasions as they caused many of the attacks.

Factor 2: Political power struggles led to civil wars, which affeted the trade, ultimately collapsing the economy.
Evidence Items:
Since the economy was already suffering, many citizens began making their own goods instead of trading, furthermore, the civil wars caused many merchants to lose their safe routes throughout the empire. The civil wars accelerated the failure of

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