
Roman Empire Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Deniz Nemli
Roman Empire DBQ The Roman Empire was one of the strongest and most significant empires in history. All good things, however, eventually come to an end. After prospering for over 200 years, the Roman Empire fell due to rise and expansion. The rise and expansion of the Roman Empire led to its fall because of lack of sufficient defense against invasion, economic problems, and absence of sufficient governing.

The rise and expansion of Rome led to weakened defense from invasions from outsiders, which caused the empire to fall. As the Roman empire expanded, the borders grew too large to be properly defended, leading to attacks from outsiders. When Rome grew and expanded after the punic wars took place, the boarders were greatly widened (Document 1), making the Empire of Rome an easy target for outside invaders such as the Burgundians, the Ostrogoths, and Huns, as well as several others (Document 5). One of the most significant groups of invaders, the Huns, were savage fighters who would “pillage the camp of their enemy almost before he has become aware of their …show more content…

An economic problem is defined as As the empire continued to grow and expand, it became increasingly more difficult for the the Roman empire to provide for themselves, which is an economic problem and was a contributing factor in it’s fall. A sign indicative of the Roman empire’s lack of economic independence was it’s need to trade with other areas such as Gaul, Africa, and Anatolia in order to get the goods they needed (Document 3). Additionally, the romans had other economic problems at the time such cost of defense and devaluation of currency due to inflation. With the rate of economic problems caused by expansion, “instead of inquiring why the Roman Empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long” (Document 6) without completely

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