
Roman Empire Dbq

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History Paper

Why did Rome fall? The Roman Empire was a great empire. However they fell and all other nations have been compared to Rome since then. The fall of Rome was not caused by a single event. One main cause was was the failing economy and high inflation. The government was constantly threatened by bankruptcy due to the cost of defending the Empire, failing economics and heavy taxation. Their currency was becoming so bad that they had to return to the bartering system. Another main cause was the unemployment of the working classes. While that was happening the divide between the rich and the poor increased. The constant wars and heavy military spending wasn't helping anything either. The Roman army became over-stretched and need more soldiers. All of these bad things added up and collapsed the Rome Empire. The barbarian invasions was the last cause for the Fall of the Roman Empire. …show more content…

It was a reason that Rome fell, but there were many other reasons it fell too. Did civil wars lessen the strength of the empire and weaken the population? Surprisingly the civil wars made Rome stronger even though they lost a lot of resources and life. Did the citizens of Rome become too satisfied and lazy, allowing the empire to crumble due to neglect? The citizens did become lazy because they had slaves do all of the work for them. They did nothing for themselves. Did the empire spend too much of its resources on the poor, thus drawing away precious funds from the empire? When the conditions got really bad the poor started a riot. To keep the poor calm the empire gave them free grain. This ended up spending more money on the poor thus drawing the funds away from the

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