
Roles Within Our Ecosystem And How The Characteristics Of The Species Within Those

Decent Essays

The role that we each play within our ecosystem is different for all species. Every living thing has a habitat and a niche, where they reside and what their job is in contributing to their habitat. The purpose of this paper will be to discuss two different roles within our ecosystem and how the characteristics of the species within those environments are similar and how they are different. I will be comparing my own personal niche as an administrative assistant, mother, and family member, my niche (or job) is to support others in their daily work and life routines to that of a Botanist who studies endangered plants in a tropical rainforest. This paper will cover a description of both niche’s, the similarities and difference between them and also the habitat of both. Information will be provided on the characteristics that would provide a survival advantage to those occupying both niche’s. I will cover how humans have adapted, difficulties living within the niche’s, and any cultural and biological adaptations.
Niche Comparison In my current niche as a full time student, a wife, and a mother of a child who is hearing impaired there are many responsibilities and obstacles to overcome. There is such a variety of things that need accomplished or are done within my personal niche. As a full time student I am taking three classes a semester which require me to attend a seminar for each class that are an hour long one day a week. In addition to the seminar there are

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