
Role of the Scenographer

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Q//Write a, detailed, illustrated, analytical case study that explores the role of the scenographer and the scenographic outcome in a live production or productions you have personally seen. Particular attention should be paid to the overall scenic approach, the use of lighting, audio, visual effects, costumes, scene changes, and the overall interpretation of the narrative.

This essay is going to act as a case study of live productions which I have personally seen, and drawing from other examples to be able to communicate the role of the scenographer and the product. It will highlight the outcomes of audio-visual effects, lighting, costume design, scene changes and the understanding of the …show more content…

The main idea is for the puppet doll which is usually large, to be manipulated by the puppeteers as the narrative unfolds. The puppets vary in size, and can be the size of a person (roughly 5 feet); a puppet of this size would usually need three people to manoeuvre it. However, it is possible for the smaller puppets to be controlled by one person, though from what I have seen it takes a lot of precision to be able to follow the choreography of some of the dance routines whilst controlling the walking and gestures of these puppet dolls. In the image (Fig 5) below, you see the character of the meerkat, Timon, who if static may seem lifeless but with the help of the puppeteer, is extremely animated when you watch from the spectators seat, especially during the song ‘Hakuna Matata’ plays as he sings and speaks which evokes a human emotion. Having the puppeteer dressed in ‘grass covered’ outfit really made it look like the puppet doll was doing all the ‘work’ as the green outfit blends in to the scenes. The images Fig 6 and Fig 7 show some of the larger puppet dolls which I found fascinating to watch due to the seamless coordination of the puppeteers. There are some very graceful movements required when controlling these puppets, Fig 8 shows us this as the puppeteer had to make it seem like the cheetah was walking very unhurriedly with a lot of grace. Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7 Fig 8
The use of small

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