
Role Of Women In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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In The Epic of Gilgamesh, there are female characters who influence the timeline of events in the story. Ishtar, the goddess of love and Shamhat, a sacred prostitute, both played important roles throughout the epic. In this ancient story, women not only represent astuteness and dominion, but also deceit and destruction. These women could both use their sexuality and deceitfulness to influence the decisions and the lives of the men they encountered. Without these women interfering with the lives of the major characters in this epic, this story would have a different outcome.
In the beginning of the epic, Enkidu is described as a wild and untamed man. Enkidu never learned how to be civilized, for he lived in the wild for most of his life. Shamhat, a sacred temple prostitute, was sent to encounter Enkidu and try to tame him through a sexual relationship. She succeeded and for “six days, seven nights was Enkidu aroused.” (Gilgamesh line 186) Enkidu transformed from “constantly …show more content…

Gilgamesh quickly denied this proposition and told Ishtar that she is devious and self-absorbed. He also stated that Ishtar has inflicted dangerous and repulsive acts on her once lovers. With this, Ishtar became furious and she ran to her father, complained about Gilgamesh, and begged him to let her have the Bull of Heaven to destroy Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Gilgamesh, being a mighty warrior, spared no time in killing the bull. Ishtar then ran to the wall of Uruk and cried, “that bully Gilgamesh who demeaned me, he’s killed the Bull of Heaven.” (line 143) Killing the bull was not an arduous task for Gilgamesh, for he was very strong and mighty and had slain large creatures before. This event, however, later changed Gilgamesh’s life drastically. Ishtar may have not accomplished what she had hoped, but she did affect Gilgamesh’s future

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