
Role Of Bernice In Birdie

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In the novel, Birdie, Bernice is on a journey to heal herself from her past. After, being raped by her uncle Larry, a lot of terrible events happened to her. Which lead her to live on the streets of Edmonton. While in Edmonton, she crossed paths with one of her cousin, who took her back to the rez so she could visit the rest of her family. While being at the rez she comes across uncle Larry who becomes aroused

at the sight of Freda and Bernice. Bernice sends Freda away, stating that she could handle him. Fortunately, her uncle has a heart attack, Bernice is able to escape and lits her house on fire with Larry in it. Therefore, she was left with scarred and wounded skin.
“The more she scratched at it, she thinks of herself as habitable.

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