

Decent Essays

I found Roithmayr’s position very interesting and overall painfully reality. Racism reproduces itself overtime even in the absence of intentions. The four ways of feedback loops: family wealth, social network, neighborhood networks and institutional re-confirm what Anderson show in his book and explain why colored people are experiencing the same social and economic disadvantages for generations.
In relation to neighborhoods feedback loop, the idea helps me to understand better why poor neighborhoods have problems funding schools with good academic levels and infrastructure. In relation to CPS in South are of Chicago for instance; the answer I found was, because prices of real state is low, the amount of taxes paid for each owner is low too; therefore, money is not enough to sustain good schools. Going to the point, there were a time when I was taking horticulture classes at Arturo Velasquez Institute, and took me almost three months to get an white and black student ID, to use the library because the Card making machine was broken without replacement for such long time. I felt very bad, and I immediately compared this service with the one from my neighborhood Oak Park. In Oak Park, even the High school library is a well equipped, where a student can have access to JSTOR journals. The public library …show more content…

Anderson and Roithmayr and other colored people are doing their best for us, as academics by letting people to know about the kind of live we have, and offering alternatives to solve issues. Our people should also strive for policymaker positions at federal and state levels. So, we can be the authors of changing our destiny of course not in one generation, but step by step. We have a long way to

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