
Roe Vs. Wade

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The two-minute wait is over. Beth looks down, there it is on the Stick, PREGNANT. Her life has automatically changed. No more hopes of finishing college, of finding her dream ob. Poof! All of a sudden everything was gone, just because of a stupid mistake at that dumb party! She knows the fetus in her body has no heartbeat and two simple pills can make this nightmare go away. Too bad, Beth lives in a small town of Louisiana, where abortion is a synonym for the devil. The Roe vs Wade case where the Supreme Court ruled that it is a woman's decision to have an abortion is overlooked to the point of being considered illegal. They argue that Roe vs. Wade must be overturned. They say Abortion is unconstitutional and is encouraging murder; Re evaluation …show more content…

A full term pregnancy last 36 weeks. The risk of death associated with a full-term pregnancy and delivery is 8.8 deaths per 100,000, while the risk of death linked to legal abortion is 0.6 deaths per 100,000 women, according to the study. That means a woman carrying a baby to term is 14 times more likely to die than a woman who chooses to have a legal abortion. (Gordon) . Also, complications in a full term pregnancy are ay higher than abortions.Complications such as high blood pressure, urinary tract infections and mental health conditions not to mention One in 5 women may develop infection during or after delivery.(Louisiana Department of …show more content…

The matter of Abortion has many precedent cases before it, that secure the right to an abortion (Doug Linder) 1. the power of judicial review (Marbury v. Madison, 1803). 2. the doctrine of exceptionless rights (13th, 14th & 15th Amendments). 3. substantive due process (the 14th Amendment and related cases). 4. the mutuality of rights and duties (overturning of Plessy v. Ferguson). 5. the rights of workers (overturning of Lochner v. New York). 6. the rights of women (the 19th Amendment). 7. the rights of children (overturning of Hammer v. Dagenhart). 8. the doctrine of unenumerated rights (Roe v. Wade). 9. the right of personal autonomy (overturning of Plessy v. Ferguson). 10. equality under the law (Brown v. Board of

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