
Roe Abbott Biography

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In the chilly darkness the killer had been hanging out in the clubs parking lot while the music pounded inside. Little did the audience know that they were about to whiteness one of the most shocking moments in Metal history. On December 8 2004 in Columbus Ohio former Pantera guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott was shot dead while preforming at the Alrosa Villa nightclub along with fan Nathan Bray, Damageplan crew member Jeff Thompson, and club employee Erin Halk. This story is going to be about the life and death of "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott and his journey and a bit about his killer.

Younger Years

Darrell Lance Abbott was born on August 20 1966 in Ennis Texas.Abbott wanted to play the guitar at a very young age, but his parents couldn't afford it no got him a BMX bike but the next year he got his first guitar at twelve and was obsessed.After a few years he had …show more content…

If you were to ask any person that ever knew "Dime" would say that he was an extremely generous, and just a down right cool guy. The majority of metal fans would tell you that he was and still is the greatest metal guitarist of all time, and inspired people to want to play guitar.Nathan Gale was a quiet kid in school and went to the marines at age 23, and was kicked out because of mental issues. Then he joined a minor football league team, His former teammates would say that he listen to Pantera before and after games.After all of this "Dime" will always be considered one of the greatest ever.


So that was the story of "Diamond","Dimebag" Darrell Abbott. It's so sad that he had to be murdered. If you were to ask anyone that knew him they would say that he would treat anyone that he knew or just met like family, weather it was backstage or even at his own home. The chilling thing about the murder is that it was on the 24th anniversary of john Lennon's

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