
Roderigo's First Soliloquy In Othello

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In the soliloquy in Act I, Scene 3, lines 384-387, Lago puts together a revengeful scheme against Othello. He has just persuaded Roderigo to continue pursuing Desdemona, despite her being married to Othello, because Lago believes in due time she will soon reject Othello for a much younger gentleman within his command. Lago knew that he could use Othello's weaknesses and jealousy for his own satisfaction and have Roderigo to assist him in destroying Othello life. Lago told Roderigo to sell all his land and assets to have enough money to woo Desdemona from Othello so he could start a relationship with her. However, by the first few lines in the soliloquy in question, it would also appear that Lago plans to dupe Roderigo out of money in some way:

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