What honestly did kill Robin Williams?“ He WAS suffering from dementia but that wasn’t what killed him, ” it was asphyxiation!” many would say, but the real cold killer is Lewy Body Dementia-- that’s exactly what he was secretly suffering from. Folks who do not know what Lewy Body Dementia is would just shrug it off as just another name for dementia, but actually it is the other way around. My personal childhood friend, even though we never met, he touched my heart along with so many other before me, that he has entertained, in his life. He played numerous memorable film roles, both comedic and dramatic: Robin Williams. (Bio) Mr. Williams's longtime companions throughout his life were drugs, alcohol, depression mostly.(Cieply) Some of those …show more content…
Fluctuations in cognition, attention or alertness; Problems with movement including tremors, stiffness, slowness and difficulty walking; Visual hallucinations (seeing things that are not present); Sleep disorders, such as acting out one’s dreams while asleep Behavioral and mood symptoms, including depression, apathy, anxiety, agitation, delusions or paranoia; Changes in autonomic body functions, such as blood pressure control, temperature regulation, and bladder and bowel function. The symptoms of LBD are treatable: All medications prescribed for LBD are approved for a course of treatment for symptoms related to other diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease with dementia and offer symptomatic benefits for cognitive, movement and behavioral problems. (Washington) It is not uncommon, however, for early signs of dementia to go undetected. The Mini Mental Status Exam – a common screening test for cognitive impairment and dementia used by many physicians – is not able to detect cognitive impairment in early DLB. (10 things) Lewy body dementias (LBD) are the second most common form of degenerative dementia. Lewy bodies are misfolded protein deposits found in the brains of individuals with several different disorders including Parkinson’s disease (PD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB); and the autopsy of Mr. Williams, indicated the presence of ‘diffuse Lewy body dementia’ in the brain of Mr. Williams. This is more commonly called ‘diffuse Lewy body disease’ which reflects the biological disease process in the brain. LBD is an umbrella term for dementia associated with the presence of Lewy bodies (abnormal deposits of a protein called alpha-synuclein) in the brain. (Washington) Although with so much intensive research, doctors still have trouble diagnosing patients
Robin Williams was a famous actor and comedian who died at the age of 63. On August 11, 2014, he was found dead in his home by his assistant. His assistant found him hanging in his stepson’s room. Robin Williams was having trouble sleeping due to his insomnia, anxiety, and Parkinson’s disease, so he had been sleeping in his step-sons room. He was last seen by spouse Susan Williams the night prior to his death. Susan said Robin was looking for his watches the night before because he was worried that something would happen to them. Susan also said that she thought Robin was in a good mood that night because he grabbed his iPad before bed. She thought this was a good sign since Robin hadn’t watched TV or read a book in six months.
Moving away from comedy stands and onto the big screen, playing as the extraterrestrial being, Mork, Robin Williams has been doing comedy ever since the early 70s. His charismatic charm and impeccable character made him into one of the greatest comedian actor ever. His acting and jokes won him several awards. He had appeared on many TV shows and late night shows like, S.N.L, Sesame Street, Wilfred, Friends, and many more. Williams has always appeared sober in front of the media, but during the early the 80s, he had admitted that he suffered from an addiction to alcohol and cocaine. Williams ended up stopping after a friend of his, John Belushi, died from an overdose. In August of 2014, Robin Williams died in his from suicide.
Lewy bodies develop gradually and gets more severe over the years, symptoms include memory loss, visual hallucinations, delusions, muscle stiffness. 3.3 Outline the risk factor's for the most common causes of dementia The risk factor's for Alzeheimers is age, family history and genes Vascular dementia is increasing age, history of heart attacks, strokes or mini strokes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes Lewy bodies is advanced age, it appears to affect more men than women, having a family member who's had it and a unhealthy lifestyle 3.4 Identify prevalence rates for different types of dementia The established prevalence rates for different types of dementia are 40-64yrs 1 in 1400 65-69yrs 1 in 100 70-79yrs 1 in 25 80+ 1 in 6 4. Understand factors relating to an individuals experience of dementia 4.1 Describe how different individuals may experience living with dementia depending on age, type of dementia, and level of ability and disability Depending on the form of dementia people's ability and disability will be different. People with
Indications of Parkinsons ailment for example, hindered development, unbending muscles, tremor or a rearranging walk may occur.Poor direction of body capacities. Circulatory strain, heartbeat, sweating and the stomach related process are directed by a part of the sensory system that is regularly influenced by Lewy body dementia. This can bring about discombobulation, falls and gut issues, for example, constipation.Cognitive issues. You may encounter thinking issues like those of Alzheimers ailment, for example, disarray, poor consideration, visual-spatial issues and memory loss.Sleep troubles. Lewy body dementia is described by the unusual development of proteins into masses known as Lewy bodies. Individuals who have Lewy bodies in their brains additionally have the plaques and tangles connected with Alzheimers
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a form of dementia that shares characteristics with both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. It accounts for around ten per cent of all cases of dementia in older people and tends to be under-diagnosed. Dementia with Lewy bodies is sometimes referred to by other names, including Lewy body dementia, Lewy body variant of Alzheimer’s disease diffuse Lewy body disease, cortical Lewy body disease and senile dementia of Lewy body type. All these terms refer to the same disorder. This factsheet outlines the symptoms of DLB, how it is diagnose and how it is treated.
How to recognize it? Check out the patient’s history, risk factors and health conditions, perform lab test, complete blood cell count, blood chemistries, liver Function test and serologic test for TSH. Attain dementia assessment, Neuropsychiatric testing and the Mini Mental State Exam. Two different forms of secondary dementia are Parkinson Disease and Lewy Body Disease. Parkinson Disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movements and Lewy Body Disease, also known as dementia with Lewy bodies, is one of the most common causes of irreversible dementia in the elderly. Lewy body disease builds up in areas of the brain. The disease may cause a wide range of symptoms, including: changes in alertness and attention, hallucination, risk for falls and so
Dementia with lewy bodies (DLB) symptoms include: memory loss, low attention span,visual hallucinations,periods of mental confusion,delusions, difficulty planning ahead, muscle stiffness, slower movement, shaking and trembling of arms and legs, shuffling while walking, problems sleeping and loss of facial expression. risk factors include: age (60+) , sex, family history of DLB.
You have shown Willy Loman as an irritated old man who is suffering from dementia and is always afraid to tell the truth because he is scared of “failure, loneliness and personal success” (page 29). Throughout the play you have displayed were Willy has lied to his family, just so he can feel successful and not a failure that he is. He reverses everything he says starting with the ideal and then coming to the truth of a situation but he does not act upon the truth, in the past, he made himself appear a very successful salesman but the reality is he was not as successful as he would have his family believe but no one could challenge him on his perceptions. Willy lied to Linda saying that he made thousands and thousands of dollars on a business
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a type of dementia that shares symptoms with both Alzheimer 's disease and Parkinson 's disease. It may account for around 10 per cent of all cases of dementia (Alzheimer’s Society, 2016). Lewy refers to the inflammation or neuro-inflammation of the brain (Surendranathan et al, 2015). Both Parkinson 's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies are age-related diseases, although onset before age 65 years is not uncommon and both diseases are more common in men than in women (Walker et al, 2015).
Lewy body dementia (LBD) is a common form of progressive dementia that affects approximately 1.4 million Americans today which makes it the second most prevalent form of dementia behind Alzheimer’s. LBD is formed when lewy body proteins grow in the area of the brain that controls thinking, memory and motor movement. Generally, there are two types of brain diseases that are affected by lewy bodies; Parkinson’s disease with dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies. Discovered by famous neurologist Frederic Lewy, lewy body dementia can affect a person’s ability to perform daily task, cause mood changes and sometimes leads to brain tumors and strokes. Lewy bodies are made up of tiny, microscopic proteins called alpha- synuclein. Typically, these
People with Lewy body may experience visual hallucinations, ridged muscles (similar to Parkinson’s disease), slow movement, tremors and changes to their alertness. This may also affect the regulation of body functions such as, blood pressure, pulse, sweating, and commonly the digestive
Today the psychologists are discovering a new disease. It is call Lewy Body Dementia. What makes me know about it because Robin Williams had the LBD and he died cause it. Who is Robin Williams?
Robin Williams will go down in history as one of America’s favorite stand-up comedians and actors. Movies like Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, and Patch Adams filled homes with laughter and showcased Williams’ comedy talent. Other classics such as, Dead Poet Society and Good Will Hunting, showcased a different side of Williams and his dynamic talent. In 2014, Ameri-cans were devastated when the news broke that Robin Williams had committed suicide. Many questioned how America’s favorite smiling, funny guy could have committed such a dark act. It left the whole world wondering who Robin Williams really was, and what he was dealing with when the cameras weren’t rolling.
Of course, there is no definite answer for this, as what is done cannot be undone.However, there are definitely things that he could have done to improve his situation.Stress is definitely an important factor;He could have tried to seek treatment for his depression and take a break from his work, as being a comedian and actor can be rather stressful.However, the stigma of mental disorders could have prevented him from seeking treatment, as he might have been afraid to publicly announce it and get looked down on by others.His drug addiction could have also been a factor, as he had been admitted to rehabillation centres multiple times , and as mentioned before, drug abuse is a factor to depression .All in all, while Robin Williams’ death may
In a study that was done called aging, demographics and memory study (ADAMS) it was found that older African Americans are two times more likely than older whites to develop Alzheimer or any other dementia. Some of the reasons that have been discovered as to why older African Americans are more common to have Alzheimer’s is because they are found to have higher rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, along with other vascular diseases. Some other factors that can affect who may end up with Alzheimer’s are lower level of education, and socioeconomic characteristics which are found to be more common in African Americans. In the health and retirement study (HRS) 80% of African Americans were found to have high blood pressure. Other risks that have been found to have increased risk of Alzheimer’s are those with lower educations, low income being below $18,000 a year, and