
Robin Hood Research Paper

Decent Essays

On Sunday April 22, 2018 I had the chance to see Robin Hood at the Springfield Theatre Center at the Hoogland Center for the Arts. This play was written by Larry Blamire and directed by Kelly E. Bassett. The story line of this play is on that presences a heroic lifestyle of an outlaw. The production within itself was packed with multiple design elements that help portray a realistic setting to connect the audience to the time frame in which the play is taking place. Elements such as the lighting design, costume design, scenic design and acting all combined help make Robin Hood a memorable play to have been seen. All of these elements together help depict the theme and setting of the play just well.
Uniquely, the production did not start the play off as a tradition play would be. There was the tradition lowing of the house lights however, the very first actor did not enter the stage as one would normally do. The main …show more content…

Although, the paly was one that included comedy the actors all stayed in character and remain in their professional stands of getting the necessary reaction out of the audience through their acting. The actors dancing, accents and dialogue all depicted the medieval time period and all the characters acted within that mindset of acting as if they were born into the medieval time period. For example, when the kind and queen spoken they would speak in terms that were of an old out dated time frame verse how we would speak now in every day conversation. Also, the kings and queens were greeted in a way that was unique to them to show their superiority over the common people. One thing that was not so common but it stood out to make the play unique was the fact that the mother of the kings was not accepting of everything her sons did. She questioned their authority and made her own decision. Which I feel is unique and showed the power gap that existed back in those time

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