
Robert Durst Case

Decent Essays

This episode paralleled the case facts of Robert Durst, with some liberties taken along the way. Dismembered body parts belonging to an African American male are found in various dumpsters in a four square block area of New York City. The Crime lab obtained all the garbage from every dumpster containing body parts and sifted through diligently looking for additional evidence. Because each of the body parts was stored in the same type of plastic bag, the focus was on contents of any similar bags in the garbage. The deceased’s head and hands were never recovered, making identification difficult. Using the ME’s information that the victim was approximately fifty years old, had severe arthritis and used a cane, the detectives began canvasing …show more content…

The prosecutors are still convinced that Mr. Maddison is guilty of both murders and decide to reinvestigate the past. Using the new evidence that Mr. Maddison was a cross-dresser, they determine to evaluate all past evidence with a new perspective. Maddison’s original alibi for his wife’s disappearance was his best friend DeWayne, who suffered a tragic accident in Arizona after giving his deposition. Knowing that Mr. Maddison affected a female persona, the detectives were able to prove that he was in Arizona, and with his friend at the time of the tragic accident. Mr. Maddison was not in Arizona, but his female persona Jennifer Shelby was staying with DeWayne. Exhuming the body of DeWayne found DNA evidence under the nails matching to Mr. Maddison, and provided evidence to take to the grand jury. During the trial, Maddison testifies that his DNA was under the fingernails because he and DeWayne were intimate. He asserts that DeWayne’s fall to his death was an accident. Mr. Maddison fled to New York for fear of being blamed. The cross examination by the prosecutors focused on his pattern of behavior. Mr. Maddison didn’t report his wife missing for days, left his friend at the bottom of a cliff, and disposed of Mr. Barry’s

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