
Robert Cialdini And His Colleagues Essay

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Robert Cialdini and his colleagues (1976) introduced and formalized the social psychological phenomenon called basking in reflected glory (BIRG), recognizing how individuals tend to increase their identification with a person or group—with whom they share a preexisting ingroup identity—when the latter has succeeded in an endeavor that brings group pride. Social identity theory is typically invoked to explain how the phenomenon is manifested through ingroup affiliation and self-enhancement. Though BIRG as a phenomenon has been found to be replicable across cultures, its determinants and manifestations nonetheless vary cross-culturally. Through the current literature review that aims to integrate the results of previous studies, it is found that the noninstrumental nature of ingroup identification and the increase in association with a successful other are cross-culturally similar. However, the construal of social identity and the achievements that become a source of ingroup pride are significantly determined by a country’s historical and economic milieu, while the characteristics of self-enhancement (on both ascribed group and self-esteem) are informed by the values and expectations set forth by the culture to which basking individuals belong.
Keywords: basking in reflected glory, social identity theory Cross-Cultural Differences in the Determinants and
Manifestations of Basking in Reflected Glory
It is a common and understandable tendency for people who have been

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