
Rivalry And Water In The Sea Of The Mariner

Decent Essays

The Mariner and his crew have been drifting on the windless waves for a while now, with no water. Then appears a spec approaching from the west. The Mariner is the only one who sees it, but he is unable to inform his friends because he is so parched. He bits his arm so the blood can moisten his sunburnt lips and dry tongue. Finally, he is able to warn the others about the ship he seeing driving crazily towards them. It appears as if it is somehow coming closer, plowing through the sea with no wind nor breeze. The Mariner cries, “Gramercy!” and the crew cheers with thanks. The idea of possible rescue and water instills suspense as the sailors watch the ship sail right in front of the sun. This makes them feel as if they are in a state of delusion

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