
Risks In The Odyssey

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The top of the Everest and the tales from the odyssey are texts of adventure. The characters faced different risks and rewards. The story of the top of the Everest is the development of the Everest and some camps in the region of Kathmandu. The tales from the Odyssey are about development in the ocean and on some islands. In one text the main conflict is the extreme temperatures and reaching the top of the Everest. In the other one Odysseus wants to return home. Tales from the odyssey In the story of the tales from the odyssey, we find some risk. One risk that Odysseus faced was the bad storm and the big and dangerous waves that were in the ocean. Another risk was the flowers that come from the lotus tree that the islanders gave to the crew of Odysseus. The reasons why Odysseus and his crew faced this risk have an explanation. The reason why they faced the bad and …show more content…

But some of the rewards of all this risk were that they faced a new adventure and explored some islands. Odysseus was very smart in what he did with the monster. 2. What is the difference between a'smar The top of the Everest In this story, there are some risks. One of them is the extreme temperatures, because they are in a very cold place and if we consider the height of the Everest, the temperature is horrible. Another challenge that Samantha Larson and his team faced was crossing the ladders over the Khumbu Icefall. The reason for the extreme temperatures is because of the area where Everest is located. Is a very cold place with a lot of heat. We are in agreement about crossing the ladders over the Khumbu Icefall. They needed to find a safe area to camp and they needed to be brave. This can sound very difficult and dangerous, but it was worth it since it brought some rewards. Thanks to this challenge, Samantha Larson was the first young person to reach the top of the Everest. Imagine the satisfaction of achieving this great goal after those

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