
Risk Management : Mergers And Acquisitions Essay

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Risk Management in Mergers and Acquisitions
In the event that WeaveTech would consider a merger or acquisition, there are some major risks and issues that should be considered. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) is a term referring to the consolidation of companies or assets. A merger is a combination of two companies forming to become a new company, and an acquisition is the purchase of one company by another in which no new company is formed (, 2016). The term M&A also refers to the department of financial institutions that deal with mergers and acquisitions. Every merger and acquisition has its own reasons based on organizational goals.
Mergers can help WeaveTech in entering emerging markets, cutting costs, and gaining competitive advantages. There is increased pressure for publicly traded companies to raise their earnings. If it cannot be done inside the company, they might seek to acquire companies to boost earnings. Additionally, the internet and technology advancements have brought about off-shoring of white collar jobs and made merging with competitors easier.
There are four stages organizations undergo when a merger is decided. The first stage of a merger and acquisition is the pre-deal or pre-merger and acquisition; it includes finding compatible business ventures and partners to assess potential targets and develops a plan for execution (HR Focus, 2005). Organizations such as WeaveTech, planning to go through a merger or acquisition must consider the

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