
Risk Factors In Infants: A Case Study

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According to the Forum of Child and Family Statistics, “disorders related to preterm birth and low birthweight are the second leading cause of infant death in the United States” (Forum on Child and Family Statistics, 2015). Infants born weighing less than 5.8 oz. (2, 5000 grams) are considered low birth weight (LWB) and infants born with less than 37 weeks are considered preterm. The risk of early death, long term disabilities and chronic health conditions are higher in both, preterm and LWB infants. Some women are more likely to have a LWB or preterm baby that others dependent of their risk factors. There are numerous risk factors such as chronic health disorders, infections, and problems with the placenta, as well as smoking, drugs and alcohol that can be directly related to LWB and preterm infants. Age, race, ethnicity, education level as well as unemployed and low income can also be considered important risk factors. The incidence of LWB and preterm babies is greater within black, non-Hispanic women in the United States (LBW-13.1%, and preterm-16.3%), follow by Asian/Pacific Islander and American Indian/Alaskan Native babies respectively (Forum on Child and Family Statistics, 2015). …show more content…

This increases the cost of care not just at birth but continues through life. This babies require longer hospitalizations, special equipment, treatments and medicines, as well as special education and accommodation (March of Dimes Foundation,

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