
Richard The King: The Iceman As A Serial Killer

Decent Essays

polished the Iceman’s method and showed him how to dispose of bodies more effectively”(Martin). He taught Richard to stab a man in the heart and let the blood drain from the body and how to dispose of the remaining body parts in multiple dumpsters around the city. As Richard began killing more people he also began trying new methods of murder, such as icepicks, chainsaws, plastic bags, strangulation, and even dropping people off buildings. He once shot a man in the head with a crossbow just to see what would happen. Not long after the death of DeMeo, Richard began his own crime ring. He initially started making a profit by purchasing a drug called “Tagamet” and selling it through a variety of distributors, while staying connected to the hitman game. Richard met his next business partner Robert Pronge, also known as “Mr Softee” in the 1980’s while both of them were stalking their next target. Robert was a former Special Forces member who was trained with explosives and poison (The Iceman Lieth). Once The Iceman and Mr Softee started associating with each other their skills began to rub off and their sadistic ways …show more content…

His greatest motivation for murder was money, for every hit that Richard completed he earned about fifty thousand dollars. He believed once the deal was made all parties must honor the terms, if someone tried to rip him off they would soon be killed to. Richard’s anger was his other motivation to kill, “I would move heaven hell and anything in between to get to you, you would’nt be safe anywhere if I was mad at ya. I've went up against people, you could pull a gun on me and if I was mad at ya i'm coming forward, you'd have to shoot me to stop me and if you dont kill me, you’re stupid cause the next time you see me… I will kill you (Cohle). Richard also believed that he should not harm a child or a women unless in self

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