
Richard Kuklinsk Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Cade Phillips
October 24, 2017
The Iceman
Richard Kuklinski was born on April 11, 1935 in Jersey City, New Jersey. He was raised in an abusive environment. His father would beat him for no reason at all and all he ever knew was hate because that is all he’s ever known. His father Stanley would beat him with an iron rod and lock him in the basement for hours or days without food. Stanley went so far one night that he killed Richard’s younger brother due to hitting him in the head. His father then abandoned the family when Richard was 16. I believe his upbringing is a large contributing factor of him becoming a serial killer. Richard Kuklinski’s brother, Joseph Michael Kuklinski, was as much abused and mistreated as Richard. His upbringing, I believe, contributed to his criminal mindset and the actions he committed. When he was taken out of his home due to the abuse, he raped and then murdered a 12 year old girl and was convicted for it shortly after. I don’t believe that he would be a serial or contract killer like Richard because he still cared about human life. He was hurt after his brother was killed by his parents. He probably just wanted to rape the girl …show more content…

Kuklinski killed over 200 people and did it for money or for revenge. He was a brutal person who didn’t regret any of it and had no remorse for any of his victims. I think he is like Jeffrey Dahmer because they both didn't have a single regret about anything or any of their kills. The only difference between the two is that Dahmer had sex related crimes while Kuklinski didn’t. He is also related to another serial killer, Jack the Ripper. They both got away with their murders for a long period of time before getting caught. They both also have an astronomically high amount of kills. Kuklinski claims to have over 200 and Jack the Ripper has a little over 100

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