
Richard Connell's The Most Dangerous Game

Decent Essays

When I came into class these last two weeks, I definitely thought that ready a short story from a textbook made in was going to be a drag. I was pleasantly surprised when I actually started to gain interest in The Most Dangerous Game, written by Richard Connell. I really admire the way the author had composed the plot and how the characters were so well developed. I was slightly less juiced up when I found out we were watching a movie made in 1932. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed both works of art tremendously. The main plot of the story is actually pretty interesting, it takes many turns and twists that you wouldn’t expect from a short story. Needless to say, I was awfully surprised when I found out that most dangerous game is, in fact, human …show more content…

vexatious, to say the least. That’s beside the point, though. Now that I’ve explained the general plot of the storyline, let’s get started. The setting is a very important part of any story. Whether it be the matrix or the middle ages, we all know that it really just shapes and constructs a visual in your mind. In our case, the settings didn’t change much, if at all. The only minor difference is in the boat the arrive in. The short story, he ends up on the island thanks to a yacht, while, in the book, he arrives on any old regular ship. The island and castle almost exactly how described, though, which I thought was a very important element in making the movie so much more interesting. Along with the setting, we also need characters, because without characters a story would just be words on paper. In the original short story, it included only 3 major characters. In the movie, though, it contained 4-5 main characters. While the story only contained Rainsford, The General, and Ivan, the movie contained those three plus a brother and a sister. I personally found this very annoying, but that's only because the brother was always drunk and I really hated the way he talked. Anyway, other than that, the characters didn’t differ

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