
Rhetorical Reading Strategies And The Construction Of Meaning By Christina Haas And Linda Flower Summary

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Reading Deeper than the Words

In Christina Haas and Linda Flower’s article “Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning”, they point out, and break down, the three reading strategies that are used by students when reading a passage, or paper. An experiment was constructed to show what each of these strategies are like while being used and what the reader may ask, or get out of, a certain excerpt.
Even though Haas and Flower do not mention George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, or even metaphors, in their article, I will be using metaphors to get a better understanding of what these reading strategies are like. Lakoff and Johnson’s analytical tools and ideas about metaphors (, seen in Metaphors We Live By, help me, and others, …show more content…

That is a lot like how a content reader reads. They get the idea of what the article, or story, is about, and that is it. They would be able to summarize the reading to someone, but that is as far as their interpretation goes. They do not, and may not completely understand how to, go much deeper into the reading to get a strong, and full, understanding of why that specific reading was written and what everything in the reading means. Words that would work with both content reading and a child at a museum would be words along the lines of review. A reader reading for content sees their job as understanding enough of the text to summarize it and get a general idea of what it is about. Lakoff and Johnson’s analytical tool highlighting and hiding presents readers with what is seen and unseen in a metaphor (10). In this case, this metaphor really highlights getting the general idea of what is going on. In both situations, the person is getting a basic understanding of what they are looking at, or reading. This metaphor hides the fact that in a museum getting the principal idea of what something is, is ok because there is another exhibit to look at, whereas while reading, it is ok to get the general idea, but that chosen reading is all the reader is going to focus on, so getting a deeper, and fuller, understanding than just the basics would be helpful, so they know what’s going on and why. Although they only get the

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