
Rhetorical Devices In Obama's Inaugural Speech

Decent Essays

President Barack Obama, in his Inaugural speech for presidency, honestly discusses his acknowledgment of the U.S. economic crisis. Obama’s motive is to not only promise that the American life would get better, but to ensure that things were going to change. Throughout Obama’s powerful speech, Obama appeals to ethos, logos, pathos, diction, and allusion. He adapts a serious and promising tone throughout his speech to the American people as he delivers his engaging Inaugural speech. Obama’s appearance through ethos puts him on the same level as the audience. Throughout his speech, Obama uses words and phrases such as “the task before us”, “our nation”, “We the People”, “for us”, and “we will defeat you”. All the phases and words involve not just Obama, but the entire nation coming together as one. Including the audience to the commands and promises he puts fourth. With his speech, and using the rhetorical device of ethos, Obama can steer the audience into the direction that they oversee the nation and that they have the power and control to change the nation for the better. …show more content…

Obama uses modest words like “humbled” and “grateful” to show how honored he is to have been elected president. His modest diction also applies to the audience and their emotions. If a president is too proud, it seems as if they’re too powerful. Modesty allows the people to see that Obama is a person just like them, which makes him more identifiable and easier to be convinced by. By using hopeful diction such as “light”, “success”, “generate”, “expand”, “ideals”, “ambitions”, “action”, prosperity”, “journey”, and “freedom”, these words give hope to the nation that they can improve the poor condition of the country. He later uses sad and depressing words to represent the turmoil and bad situation that the country is in. Some of these words and phrases include “bad habits”, “toiled”, “fought”, “unpleasant”, “lost”, “shed”, “shuttered”, and

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