
Stop Googling Let's Talk By Sherry Turkle

Decent Essays

Remember the days when most conversations were spent face-to-face, and not through texting or on a social media platform? Our society has changed the way we converse with one another in every way possible. Every thought, opinion, and idea we have we feel the need to broadcast it to the world, either by posting it on Facebook or tweeting it for hundreds of people to read. Is this new way of communication good or bad for our relationships? M.I.T professor, Sherry Turkle, addresses this question in her article, "Stop Googling. Let's Talk." She discusses the positive and negative attributes of the way we're using technology, and how it has overcome most of our relationships. We have abused our privileges of advanced technology by using it to replace our emotional needs we desire as humans.

In Turkle's article she focuses on how more and more individuals are becoming less emotionally involved in conversations because of how much technology is being used in every aspect of our lives. People are using their phones as a shield from silence; when they get involved in a conversation that has a long pause they can pull out their phones and avoid any awkwardness. Most conversations don’t ever get past light-hearted topics which doesn’t allow individuals to develop conversations that are …show more content…

Parents need to set rules about how often technology can be used in households because children aren't learning how to live life without it, or even how to think without it. It's showing in how children are choosing to socialize with others their age. Teachers of middle schoolers "observed that students sit in the dining hall and look at their phones. When they share things together, what they are sharing is what is on their phones." (Turkle). It's almost as if a new language and way of conversing has developed between adolescence. With the old way of conversation slowly declining, children aren't learning how to empathize with one

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