
Rhetorical Analysis On Downgrade Your Life

Decent Essays

Audience: People who think that technology worsens life quality.
Technology, friend or foe?
Two years ago, an article popped up at my sight while I was absorbedly surfing the web on my smartphone. The title shocked me “Man Distracted by Device Falls to His Death off San Diego Cliff” by Melissa Chan, published on I feel hurt, for him and for all of us, who are living in a time of technology boom. He is an alert for the reality in which technology is dominating us. Pamela Paul's article "Save Your Sanity. Downgrade Your Life" on The New York Times discussing on how technology reduces the quality of life arises a lot of concerns. I completely agree with the author to “downgrade our lives” because chasing after technological advancements will separate people and negatively affect individuals. …show more content…

However, it accidentally disconnects us from our kith and kin. Nowadays, we communicate with each other mostly by phone calls, messages, Facebook, and other types of online communication instead of face-to-face conversations. Emotional stickers on Facebook is gradually replacing physical smiles and actual eye contacts. We are too captivated on phone screen to say “Good morning” to everyone we meet on the streets as we used to. We share daily stories on social networks, but we are silent when having dinner with family. We have hundreds of friends on Facebook but we are wholly empty and lonely in the real world where we struggle to find a trustworthy friend. According to a survey conducted by Amanda Lenhart and Maeve Duggan published on Pew Research Center 2014, about one-fifth of young adults quarrel with their partner about the overuse of technology. This number arises a question for us to ponder whether we are spending more time on virtual world than caring about our real beloved

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