
Rhetorical Analysis Of Volkswagen

Decent Essays

In this first part of this individual assignment, we will analyze the rhetorical tools and techniques used by advertisers in the Volkswagen advertising – Think small. This ad was created by Doyle Dane Bernbach agency in 1959.

First of all, regarding the creativity of this ad, we can say that it was an original one as the ad “contains elements that are rare or surprising, or move away from the obvious and commonplace” . Indeed, this ad completely changed the way to advertise and was unique at that time. By creating an original advertising, the advertiser wanted to catch the attention of people through its difference. More an ad contains originality and relevance, the greater is the attention it attracts .
Actually, advertisers are paying for space in newspaper. More the space is big, more it is expensive. Whats is surprising in this ad is that whereas this ad is big, there is a large blank space. What was the point? Catching the attention by being different. Indeed their car was different from other american cars at this period , so an ad similar to other brand would have been insignificant. Regarding the fact that this car was different, the advertiser wanted the ad being also different. …show more content…

Furthermore, the blank space drives the attention of people on the car directly and insists on its small size.
They have chosen to place the car on top left corner of the advertising. In the occidental sense of reading, the reader always starts by the top left corner. We can suggest that Doyle Dane Bernbach agency wanted people to start with the image of the car before continuing readind the

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