
Rhetorical Analysis Of John F Kennedy Speech

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In the speech delivered on April 10th, 1962 by President John F. Kennedy, he argues for the American people that deserve to be heard and have a say in what they are paying. Kennedy is fighting and making the steel companies seem like the bad guys, which in this case Kennedy’s purpose was to point out how unfair and unreasonable these prices are towards the American society and economic. Kennedy's speech is mainly towards these steel companies to alert and/or open their eyes to these ridiculous prices they had. Kennedy’s starts off with a real strong annoyed tone. He wasn't annoyed towards the people rather than towards the companies. By doing this he is basically exposing and having them deal with public pressure, “unjustifiable and irresponsible defiance”, just explaining how terrible their prices increased. Not only that, but Kennedy also gives examples of sacrifice. For example, how people have to leave their home and families, people are getting killed, this list can go on forever but this is happening due to them just trying to provide a stable home for themselves or family. Later on, in the text, he explains how bad the impact would be. For instance, “... it would increase cost of homes, autos, appliances, and most other, terms for every American businessman,” he was to paint a visual picture in our minds …show more content…

Meaning people without a doubt trust her. Kennedy informs his audience how McNamara conformed with him that it would be more challenging for Americans to get their daily goods, and most certainly make and give their payments. He does this in such a manner that he really wants the companies to realize how ridiculously high these prices to the community are. Kennedy also states how the whole point was to get an agreement between the industry and union, even after the agreement there was still no justification for the prices

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