
Rhetorical Analysis Of Franklin D Roosevelt Speech

Decent Essays

Franklin D. Roosevelt speech was one of the most empowering and encouraging speeches of all time. He gave americans a reason see the amazing new ways of freedom we will eventually be able live by fighting and winning this war. “We are fighting today for security, for progress, and for peace, not only for ourselves but for all men, not only for one generation but for all generations”. He makes sure everyone understands that we need to be willing to risk it all and we must strive to be ten stronger than any other army. This speech has changed many people's perceptions on this war we are about enter. He wants to explain the importance of the upcoming war. Everyone needs to know they things may become tough but note that only the strong will survive, which is us the United States. We will show why United States is the the strongest army. Freedom will be the next step for our country and our families. …show more content…

Franklin expressed that we will fight to the finish and celebrates everyone that has helped this cause. Speed would be a huge part in fighting this war. Speed will save lives and will save our freedom and civilization. “To keep the wheels turning and the fires burning twenty-four hours a day, and seven days a week”. This just goes to show that the job is never complete and we must work hard and long hours, so we can accomplish the main goal. We american must show courage and determination to achieve these goals. Wouldn’t you want to be free from other countries trying to control and constantly trying to bomb your country? This is why Franklin advises everyone that we must be one step ahead of the other countries. We will also bring the fight to others land and protect our home ground. He also notifies everyone that we will not play the defensive role and we will attack whenever we have the chance

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