
Rhetorical Analysis Of Dorothy Samuels Wrong On Gun Rights

Decent Essays

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution entitles citizens the right to possess and bear arms; which has continually been an important issue for decades. Gun control is not just one concern, but rather many, within a common category. One may consider gun control a crime issue, while to others it may be a rights issue. Inside each and every issue, there are particular people who want more gun control legislation, and those who want less. Dorothy Samuels does a phenomenal job of portraying her stand on gun control through the use of ethos, logos, and pathos, in her article, “Wrong on Gun Rights”. Samuels utilizes the rhetorical strategies in order to persuade the audience into agreeing with her views. Dorothy Samuels’ view on gun control is illustrated in a handful of ways in the article “Wrong on Gun Rights”. Her first important point informs and educates her audience of the hazards of courts permitting second amendment rights as well as revoking bans on guns. This point was also used to mention and elaborate on lawsuits involving the misuse of guns, which were handled by the courts. Another significant point Samuels made was that US citizens should be advised of the way our government …show more content…

She brought forward a variety of facts and aspects that allow a wide range of readers to understand and be affected by her writing. Samuels made sure that she was thorough in her writing in order to provide the best and most persuasive article on gun right that she could. She did this by taking advantage of the three main rhetorical strategies that have been proven to work with many audiences, ethos, logos, and pathos. She also got her viewpoint across in a very polite and professional manner without being to direct towards the audience, which makes them slowly begin to agree with her more and more as the article

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