
Rhetorical Analysis Of Benjamin Banneker's Letter To Thomas Jefferson

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The quote delivered by the passionate and determined Benjamin Banneker states, “The present freedom and tranquility which you enjoy you have mercifully received and that it is the peculiar blessing of Heaven” (Banneker 10). As young man of parents who were both treated unfairly and living under the gates of slavery, Banneker expresses how those with freedom take it for granted and don’t realize what a blessing it truly is. He wants all slaves or people who are treated poorly to enjoy life of freedom and happiness that others get to savor. Thomas Jefferson was a United States Secretary of State and the former of the Declaration of Independence. He wrote words that have left a lasting impact in the Americas. Jefferson however did not …show more content…

The purpose of the quote above was used to restate that all people are created equally. Thus meaning everyone living in the United States of America should have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Benjamin Banneker included this reference to the Declaration of Independence to connect with Thomas Jefferson’s personal words that he wrote, but did not obey. Thomas Jefferson being the main writer of the Declaration of Independence had owned slaves during the time. Knowing this, persuasive diction persuades Jefferson to reassess his actions, so that he will be abiding by his words. Overall, persuasive diction was used to help promote the importance of gaining freedom for the mistreated and forcing Mr. Jefferson to reevaluate his actions.
Benjamin Banneker uses fear tactics to frighten Jefferson into fixing his actions so that slaves will be able to acquire liberty like the rest of America. Towards the beginning of the excerpt it states, “This sir, was a time in which you clearly saw into the injustice of a state of slavery and in which you had just apprehensions of the horrors of its condition” (Banneker 15). The sentence from above represents how under British rule people were treated unjustly, which lead to the colonist claiming independence from Britain. The flashback was brought up, because the poor slaves are being mistreated by their

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