
Rhetorical Analysis Of Aristotle 's ' Philosophy Of Western Thought ' Essay

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Rhetoric is debatably the foundation of every society, relationship, and piece of writing, but the branches which extend off of rhetoric are usually not analyzed with the same depth. One figure of speech in particular intertwines a level of complexity that allows for a drastic amount of interpretation: metaphors. A metaphor is nearly always within one’s speech, intentional or unintentional; a metaphor allows a reader to dive deeper into a text and allows more creativity to be shown. The protege of Plato, Greek philosopher, scientist and debatably one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Western thought, Aristotle, produced the books Rhetoric I, II, and III, where he plays with the concept and necessity of metaphors. Continuously Aristotle refutes himself, but throughout the rigorous interpretation and analyzation one may see he leans towards the usage of metaphors and the beneficial properties it bestows. Aristotle describes a metaphor within book III, Poetics as, “…the application of an alien name by transference either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or by analogy, that is, proportion.” The usage of metaphors is a critical way for a reader to grasp deep understanding of a topic that without there would not be a correct explanation for, while allowing the author to steer them into the correct interpretation of the text. Like food is pleasing to the tongue, a metaphor is pleasing to the ear. Aristotle believes

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