
Rhetorical Analysis: Doritos

Decent Essays

It is interesting and captures the eye right when Peter Dinklage starts lip syncing to Busta Rhymes’ “Look at me Now” after taking a bite of a Doritos Blaze Chip. As soon as that done, Morgan Freeman appears on the screen lip syncing Miss Elliott’s “Get Your Freak On” after taking a sip of Mountain Dew Ice. Once Morgan is done lip syncing you see him go up face-to-face with Peter’s “character” and they make this very apparent distinction between between them. There is a line between the fire (Peter) and the ice (Morgan). As they are standing across from each other you see that Peters shoulder is on fire, and Morgan blows it out with his chilling breath, then Peter lights his shoulder on fire again. My interpretation of this commercial was the company indirectly told the audience that Blaze Doritos are hot, and Mountain Dew Ice is cold, and they compliment each other well. Once your Blaze …show more content…

It was clear that this was targeting Millennials by the characters they used and the products they were advertising. For example, Peter Dinklage plays a character in Game of thrones, most people who watch this show are between ages 18 and 29, 81.8% of the audience is male. Why is this important? The main consumers of Doritos are female, but most of the consumers are between the ages of 25 and 44. The main consumers for Mountain Dew are male, and are between the ages 24 and 44 (Selcke 2017). Essentially they used Peter Dinklage to make another contact point with their audience, so they feel an additional connection to the product. Also the song “Look At Me Now” was released in 2011, making this song a prime choice for the younger side of this age demographic. The song “Get Your Freak On”, was released in 2001 which appealed to the older side of this age demographic. Morgan Freeman was an important addition as he is ranked at 84% awareness among 18 to 49 year olds (E-Score Celebrity Special Report,

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