
Rhetorical Analysis: A More Perfect Union

Better Essays

Maheen Ilyas Ilyas 1

English 120 Sec 69

Instructor: L. Stein

28 October 2014

Essay 2

Précis: Barack Obama, “A More Perfect Union”

Barack Obama, the president of the United States delivered a speech, “A More Perfect Union,” in March 2008 as a response to controversial statement made by his former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Obama starts his speech by quoting the introduction of the U.S constitution: “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.” This was the basis for people to unite. The union somewhat started but it didn’t undergo completion. Stains of slavery and the lack of effort of the founding fathers of America to resolve this issue were the main reasons behind its failure. …show more content…

Obama, however, believes that words aren’t enough to eradicate slavery and racial issues; it is the action that counts. People should take actions like protest, raise their voice against racism and struggle hard to enter the real “United States”. The problems of discrimination can be solved if everyone forms a union and works together to achieve it. Even though, everyone belongs to a different race, country, and religion, they all have a common goal—a better future.

Barack Obama states that his family is one of the most diverse families. This particular trait of the family teaches him that although his family members are scattered and belong to different parts of the world, they all carry the same blood, which brings them together, making them one. The main point he tries to


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